John Bettin Portfolios

This is a sample info page. FolioLink allows you to create as many info pages as you need. In an info page you can tell people how to contact you, list client testimonials, show your location, your Bio/CV and more.

Your initial trial account defaults to a design called Portland. The mobile settings are Venice for tablets and Sarasota for smart phones. You can pick your own color themes for the mobile designs too. To try another design go to the top Layout tab, and in the left panel select another design. Preview your website by clicking on the top right "Preview" button. You just redesigned your entire website with 2 clicks!

Whether you need an elegant portfolio website or a feature rich workflow solution for your clients with online sales and social networking FolioLink has the account level for you. Please contact our support staff with any questions. We look forward to speaking with you.

Thank you for trying FolioLink.

The Foliolink Team





Today's the day!

About FolioLink

This is a sample info page. FolioLink allows you to create as many info pages as you need. In an info page you can tell people how to contact you, list client testimonials, show your location, your Bio/CV and more.

Your initial trial account defaults to a design called Portland. The mobile settings are Venice for tablets and Sarasota for smart phones. You can pick your own color themes for the mobile designs too. To try another design go to the top Layout tab, and in the left panel select another design. Preview your website by clicking on the top right "Preview" button. You just redesigned your entire website with 2 clicks!

Whether you need an elegant portfolio website or a feature rich workflow solution for your clients with online sales and social networking FolioLink has the account level for you. Please contact our support staff with any questions. We look forward to speaking with you.

Thank you for trying FolioLink.

The Foliolink Team


